


Complete a master of nonprofit administration (MNA) degree for a comprehensive preparation for leadership and management within the nonprofit sector.

MNA是一个36学时的学位,要求13门核心课程和5门选修课. 每门研究生课程为两个学时. 而你可以在21个月内完成学位, 这个项目的平均学习时间是两年半.


Elective courses for all graduate business and nonprofit degrees can be chosen from the wide range of courses available in the 商学院 and 非营利组织管理. 下面列出的核心课程不能算作选修课. You may be able to complete a graduate business or nonprofit certificate through your elective credit.




The degree requirements listed below are for students who begin their program during the 2015–2016 academic year (August 2015 and later). 其中一些课程将是2015年8月的新课程 课程描述 目录上还没有吗.

请查看完整的 学术目录 for the year you enrolled at North Park for official requirements for completing your degree. 目录,a 商学院和非营利组织管理顾问,我们的 课程时间表 可以帮助你计划你的课程顺序来完成你的项目吗.

      This course develops an understanding of human behavior in changing organizations and the managerial awareness, 提高效率的工具和方法. 本课程探讨个人和团体在工作中的原则和理论, 满足需求的动机、互动驱动和过程, organization strategies for effectively utilizing people and creating the environment to achieve goals of people and companies. The course also examines 道德 issues and the rational integration of 道德 thinking and decision-making in competitive organizations. 团队的新模式, organization structure and 组织 development practices are studied as the product of today's transforming organizations.

      This course examines the importance of 道德 leadership and decision-making to the success of high performance organizations. 从不同的角度审视道德问题, 利用多种伦理问题类型进行分析, and possible outcomes determined through the application of a number of decision-making formats. Frameworks for ethics and leadership are assessed and interpreted in light of the leadership behaviors in a number of 道德ly challenging situations. 最后, students will assess their own 道德 leadership views and generate leadership development plans.

      This course provides both basic and advanced financial planning and management skills necessary in today's nonprofit organization. Successful financial planning and business development strategies will be combined to create a financial plan which achieves the goals of the organization. 包括管理会计的基本原则. 基金会计, 预算, 现金流量分析, 支出控制, 长期财务规划, 审计, 研究赠款和合同, 适用于非营利组织.

      管理会计的基本原理, 基金会计, 预算, 现金流量分析, 支出控制, 长期财务规划, 审计, 研究赠款和合同, 适用于非营利机构.

      注重企业内部的相互作用, 政府, 非营利部门, this course will address the issues and current trends in corporate social responsibility and sustainability. 探索社会、环境和经济效益的三重底线. 涵盖的主题包括:可持续性, 公私伙伴关系, 企业在气候变化中的作用, 供应链责任, 利益相关方参与, 公益与社会营销, 环保责任, 社会责任投资, 可持续发展报告, 透明度, 还有人权.

      A foundation course examining the origins and societal role of private nonprofit organizations including their social, 政治, 经济, 文化, and ideological importance in American society and compared against the global non-政府al sector and organizations. 主要类型的非营利组织进行了研究, as well as distinguishing 组织 characteristics of third-sector institutions as contrasted with business and 政府 organizations. 分析了非营利部门的当前趋势和对未来的预测.

      本课程旨在增进对这些要素的理解, 流程, 以及董事会治理和非营利组织志愿者管理的动态. 课程包括对董事会各自角色的分析, 执行董事, 非营利组织的员工和志愿者. Focus on means and methods to enable boards and 志愿者 to maximize 组织 effectiveness. 学生将学习如何评估和提高董事会的有效性, 高层领导, 志愿者, 以及组织的整体治理.

      本课程分析联邦法律的主要方面, state and local laws affecting nonprofit organizations and explores the dynamics of interdependence between nonprofit organizations, 政府, 以及公共政策过程.

      This course covers the fundamentals of effective resource development as they pertain to nonprofit organizations. Principles and best practices of fundraising are studied, including the fundraising process (i.e., 组织准备, 案例开发, 捐赠者金字塔, 战略规划, 管理及研究). 有效募款做法的基础原则也将被审查, 包括历史, 组织, 法律, 道德, 以及筹资的理论背景.

      This course takes an in-depth look at the annual give techniques and 流程 by which financial resources are secured by nonprofit managers and fundraisers. 人们注意直接邮寄, phonathon, 电子邮件, 事件, and social media fundraising 项目 for individuals along with advances in technology and research for fundraising.

      This course examines the assessment of effectiveness against service delivery objectives. The course uses the logic model and other theoretical models to better understand the outcomes and assessment process. 案例研究将突出评价问题,以改进组织绩效. 前提条件:任何SBNM课程. 这可能不是SBNM学术项目的第一门课程.

      本课程是MNPA和MHEA学位的顶点课程. The primary objective of the course is the development of a perspective of the executive leader's job and responsibilities from a conceptual as well as operating standpoint. 在这个背景下, 需要研究的要素包括:治理结构和问题, 建立和加强非营利组织的使命和价值观, 制定有效的策略, developing and using information flows to provide management control and performance and effectiveness evaluation, 组织结构, 分配人力和财力资源. Ethical issues will be discussed throughout the course as pertaining to the nonprofit environment.